Our Team celebrates learning!

Creating a sense of belonging by being

All students in Years 5 to Year 8 work alongside a generalist teacher who facilitates learning experiences across all the Key Learning Areas to achieve curriculum outcomes.  Each teacher has an individual passion, which we encourage to thrive in our Project Based Learning model.  Engaged learners are engaged teachers.

This model allows for fewer changes and fewer classes, immediately reducing the cognitive load for our students and encouraging an increased focus on learning. This is particularly important given the research around disengagement and anxiety with this developmental age. We are seeking to actively provide a learning environment that promotes wellness – in all areas. 

Additionally, this model allows for authentic relationships with staff to develop as they are guided through learning behaviours, exploration and discovery. Personalised teaching is at the forefront, with deeper contextualised learning as a result. 

Specialist teachers are still peridoically engaged by the generalist teacher, as educators, community members, organisation and parents are welcome to share their knowledge, understanding and skills around content areas. We endeavour to expose students to all the wonderment and pathways learning can offer, a catalyst to their more targeted studies as they progress through to the Living Academy.

Middle School students are also supported by learning guides, who bring a breadth of knowledge and years of experience to our learning.

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The Living Middle programme has a big picture focus  – with excursions, experiences, and academic development via the internationally renowned Project Based Learning programme.