During our six week terms (Term Two and Term Four), Middle School students particpate in a symposium designed by staff in conjunction with partnerships made with community and global connections. 

In Ancient Greece, after attending a banquet, a symposium would take place. This was where conversations from the formal part of the evening were continued in a more lively way, accompanied by music, dancing and recitals.

Our Middle School Symposiums serve the same purpose. After spending the term engaging in Project Based Learning around a keystone theme, students are invited to share their skills, knowledge and understanding in an entertaining, practical and authentic environment.

These symposiums provide the opportunity for social engagement across the year levels, connections and networking with community, activation of our Sustainable Development Goals curriculum alignments, as well as acknowledging and celebrating the ideas and wisdom of our students.

Students work in vertical groupings, sharing their expertise with students across all year groups, supported by an adult evocateur. Guest speakers, panelists and project partners are invited in to support students on their quest, making our symposiums a truly collaborative experience. 

Check out our first Symposium here.